Legend Of Zelda Rom

Armageddon Games has released a fan-made remake of the original Zelda called Zelda Classic. Zelda Classic appears to be an exact recreation; it also contains tools to develop new quests. Legend of Zelda, The (E) ! Legend of Zelda, The (GC) Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) ! Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) !. Zelda Zone bietet euch Infos, Hilfe und Multimedia rund um The Legend of Zelda.

Rom NameParametersSize
Blink 4 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Dong Fang de Chuan Shuo - The Hyrule Fantasy (Ch) [b1].nes128,02Kb
Dong Fang de Chuan Shuo - The Hyrule Fantasy (Ch).nes128,02Kb
EDS Zelda (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Esper Zelda Latin (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Esperanto Zelda (Zelda Hack) [o1].nes843,68Kb
Esperanto Zelda (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Fall of the Moon v1.0 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
First New Quest, The (V6-23) (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Ganon's Revenge v1.0 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Ganon's Revenge v1.1 (Zelda Hack) [a1].nes128,02Kb
Ganon's Revenge v1.1 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Ganon's Revenge vx.x (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Pikachu (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Pokemon, The (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda GST (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda Outlands Final by GameMakr24 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda Outlands by Clomax Dominion (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda Pocket Edition V1.0 by PocketNES (Zelda PRG0 Hack) [o1].nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda Pocket Edition V1.0 by PocketNES (Zelda PRG0 Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda Pocket Edition V1.0 by PocketNES (Zelda PRG1 Hack) [o1].nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda Pocket Edition V1.0 by PocketNES (Zelda PRG1 Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (E) (PRG0) [!].nesVerified good dump, Europe release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (E) (PRG1) [!].nesVerified good dump, Europe release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (Esperanto Hack) [o1].nes843,68Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (Esperanto Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (GC) [a1].nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (GC).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [!].nesVerified good dump, USA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Dan0.12].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Dut1.0_Ok Impala!].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Fre.95].nesUSA release, French Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Ger].nesUSA release, German Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Gre1.1_Lugia_13gr].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Ita1.0_Zombikiller].nesUSA release, Italian Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Lit0.99b_Joshas].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Pol1.0_Nintendencja].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Pol_Dreamforce].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Por1.0_Hexagon].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Por100%_Emuroms].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Por100%_Thirteen].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Ser(Cyrillic)_AmishYugoslavTrans].nesUSA release, Serbian Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Ser(Latin)_AmishYugoslavTrans].nesUSA release, Serbian Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Spa1.1_Hyrule Knight].nesUSA release, Spanish Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Swe2.0_TheTranslator].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T+Tur_knighTeen87].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T-Gre].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T-Spa].nesUSA release, Spanish Translation (old version)128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T-Spa_Hyrule Knight].nesUSA release, Spanish Translation (old version)128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T-Swe.9_MetalHead].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T-Swe1.02b_TheTranslator].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [T-Swe1.02b_TheTranslator][a1].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [b1].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [b2].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [b3].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [b4].nesUSA release128,00Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [o1].nesUSA release128,14Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [o2].nesUSA release128,14Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [o3].nesUSA release128,14Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [!].nesVerified good dump, USA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [T+Fre_Generation IX].nesUSA release, French Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [T+Nor1.00_Just4Fun].nesUSA release128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [T+Ser(Cyrillic)_AmishYugoslavTrans].nesUSA release, Serbian Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [T+Ser(Latin)_AmishYugoslavTrans].nesUSA release, Serbian Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [T+Spa100%_Chilensis].nesUSA release, Spanish Translation128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [b1].nesUSA release40,00Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [b2].nesUSA release38,93Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (Zelda 'Editable' Hack) [b1].nes158,85Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (Zelda 'Editable' Hack) [o1].nes136,14Kb
Legend of Zelda, The (Zelda 'Editable' Hack).nes136,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The - Ganon's Deception V0.2PRG0 (Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The - Ganon's Deception V0.2PRG1 (Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legend of Zelda, The - Special Edition (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Legendo of Zelda, The (Hack).nes128,02Kb
Moblin's Tale, The (V1.0) (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Moblin's Tale, The (Vx.x) (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Monkey of Zelda, The (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Monkey of Zelda, The v1.1 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Monkey of Zelda, The v1.2 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Monkey on LSD (Zelda Hack).nes135,89Kb
Quest of Zelda V0.15 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Quest of Zelda, The (Hack).nes128,02Kb
Search for Link, The (Zelda Hack) [a1].nes128,02Kb
Search for Link, The (Zelda Hack) [a2].nes128,02Kb
Search for Link, The (Zelda Hack) [o1].nes128,14Kb
Search for Link, The (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Shin Zelda Densetsu (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
SouthPark Zelda (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Zelda DX (Zelda Hack) [a1].nes128,02Kb
Zelda DX (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Zelda DX V2.0 (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Zelda Story, The (Zelda Hack) [a1].nes128,02Kb
Zelda Story, The (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Zelda no Densetsu 1 - The Hyrule Fantasy (J).nesJapanese version128,02Kb
Zelda's Embrace - A New Legend V1.0c (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
Zelda's Embrace - A New Legend Vx.xx (Zelda Hack).nes128,02Kb
ROMs » Nintendo 64 » L » Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA)

Nintendo 64 / N64 ROMs

Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB: E, CERO: A, OFLC: G8+, OFLC: PG, PEGI: 12+
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Game Description & Reviews:

OverviewThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is considered to be one of the greatest games of all time, due in large part to the seamless unity between traditional Zelda gameplay and the bold, artistic, 3D environment in which it is presented.
LOZOOT1337 rates this game: 5/5Legend Of Zelda Rom

Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time is often acronymed (LOT - OOT). It has been one of the best games ever made, even the Classic Zelda games are still being played! If you have loved the Classic, then you will love this! First of all, Download Project 1.6 or 1.7. Then after that Download this game immediately, I promise you wont regret it. Lastly, Play! You will not regret downloading this ROM. One of the best games can be played on your PC! The game is not modified, unless YOU! Modify it.. with cheats! There are cheats and you can levitate, change tunic color and boots, etc. This makes the game more fun.. if you have beaten the game already. Play this game with Project 1.6 - 1.7 and you will have good times with Cheats and playing the game without cheats. You will not stop playing (I hope.) and you will love it until this game is forgotten.. hopefully not. What a good game.

mitchweaver1 says:

The quintessential Zelda experience. If A Link to the Past didn't already pull you into this universe, Ocarina of Time certainly did. One of the most memorable games of all time.

NinjaPooff rates this game: 5/5

ISSUES: If you are using Project 64, the soft dirt patches wont be visible on the ground, the road surrounding Lon Lon Ranch wont be visible, the game will freeze when you try to reenter Kokiri Village after going Left to meet the Skull Kid in lost woods, and lastly, in the Forest Temple right when you enter the main hallway if you go straight across and up the stairs into the room with the Stalfos, it was freeze right after the door shuts you in. A text box will pop up saying 'Failed to load word. check ROM and ROM Settings'.

Stickgoncraz rates this game: 5/5

If you haven't played Zelda - Ocarina of Time. Then your missing out, BIG TIME, there are alot of good games for the N64, but this is without a doubt, the best, maybe even the best game ever created. If all N64 games & emulators suddenly disappeared and this was the only 1 left, it would be worth downloading & playing. The controls would take a little getting used to, I recommend the emulator 'Project64 1.7', it has all the cheats already in there, you can just pick which ones you want to play with, and if your not used to their controls, you can change them. Zelda - Ocarina of Time, might be very complicated if you've never played, or beaten it, but you can look up a walkthrough if you have no idea what to do. It has some of the greatest gameplay ever, from catching chickens, to auto aiming, and riding horses, to defeating 'wierdly shaped' bosses. You can even editing how Link looks, in the cheat section, and also you can basically make it so you have everything from the start with cheats. But the overall game is amazing, good graphics (For A N64 Game), and the greatest gameplay ever. In the game you have to save Zelda from an evil force, whos name is Gandorf, and stop him from taking over the Zelda universe, with the help of your fairy Navi. You must get 3 'gems' and put them into a temple, or I guess the Hyrule church, and then pull the sword from the ground, and become an adult, which later you will find, that Hyrule has been destroyed and is enhabited with zombies. You must travel to dungeons with amazing gameplay to defeat Gandorf and other bosses. Overall, the gameplay is amazing and fun, a little complicated though, and then graphics are amazing in Zelda for the N64, and the bosses and enemies are interesting, and with the cheats, it can be alot easier and more fun. I recommend downloading this and playing it, even if you don't want an emulator, I recommend this, and if you have a N64 emulator, and not have this game, then download it NOW! It is worth it, completely. Trust me, it's Zelda...

Game Hunter III rates this game: 5/5

Pretty sweet game. One of the most legendary game ever made, in my opinion. For the most part, it's a puzzle solving game with a few fights along the way to keep you entertained. You play as 'Link' (or whatever you choose to name yourself) and set about saving the world, as the usual in games. What makes this game interesting is it's (spoilers, look away) Time traveling feature. You can travel to before evil took over, and after evil took over and set things up for yourself in the past for the future. And remember, if you ever get stuck, you can always cheat by looking up F.A.Q.s online. Which if you've never played a Zelda game, you probably will.

Read all 28 reviews for Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA)

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  • Added by JuniorSampaio
  • Uploaded by sam065
  • Uploaded by sam065
  • Uploaded by Brian McCumber
  • Uploaded by Brendoge

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